
MINTH Group Ltd was listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 1 December 2005 (stock code: 0425).The Group is a leading supplier of exterior automobile body parts in China. It is principally engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of trim, body structural parts and decorative parts for passenger cars in China, North America and Thailand. The Group also exports its products to global markets including Europe and Asia-pacific regions.Since its founding, manufacturing facilities have been established in east, south, north, central and southwest China covering the major automakers in China. Globally, with the establishment of sales, program management and R&D network in the world’s major automobile markets such as Tokyo and Detroit, the Group has constantly expanded its exports to North America, Europe, Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. Moreover, the Group has focused on business development in emerging markets. In January 2008, a joint venture company MINTH-AAPICO (Thailand) Co., Ltd was established in Thailand by MINTH and AAPICO Hitech Public Company, and MINTH Mexico was set up in Mexico in October 2009. With this, the Group has initiated its production network in the global emerging markets.敏实集团有限公司于2005年12月1日在香港联合交易所正式挂牌上市(股票代码:425)。敏实集团及其附属公司在中华人民共和国、北美、以及泰国从事乘用车装饰条、车身结构件、汽车装饰件的设计,制造,销售并出口至包括欧洲及亚太地区在内的全球市场。并且已经成为目前中国乘用车零部件市场中此三类核心产品的领先供应商。集团自成立以来,已在华东、华南、华北、华中及西南地区设立众多生产基地,形成覆盖全国重点汽车工业基地的制造与销售服务网络。同时,集团不断推进产品在北美、欧洲、日本、澳洲及东南亚市场的销售,在包括美国底特律和日本东京在内的世界主要汽车市场设立销售、项目管理及研发网络。此外,集团也积极拓展在全球新兴市场中的业务。二零零八年一月在泰国与AAPICO Hitech Public Company合资成立MINTH AAPICO (Thailand) CO., Limited;更于二零零九年十月份在墨西哥成立了MINTH Mexico,S.A. DE C.V,由此开启敏实集团在全球新兴市场生产网络的布局。近期发现有不法分子假借敏实集团招聘名义进行传销或收取培训费等不法行为。故特此声明如下:一、敏实集团各分公司的办公地址及联系电话请以我公司网站上刊登的为准(;二、我公司在招聘过程中不会收取任何费用并且在未正式入职前不会安排任何形式的培训及收取培训费用;三、我公司录用的正式员工是通过电子邮件的形式向面试合格者发OFFER,并且公司人事部门会电话联系予以确认。请关注我公司的广大应聘者予以警惕,在应聘过程中如有任何疑问请即时向我公司咨询,以防上当受骗。

公司地址:浙江省嘉兴市南湖区亚太工业园区亚中路1号 (邮编:314006)